Mission | Vision
A living education centered on Christ.
Mission | Vision
A living education centered on Christ.
It is the mission of the Rocky Mountain Christian Academy administration and faculty to provide a “living education,” centered on Christ, where each child is guided and empowered to author a full and free life, a life rich in relationship to God, self, others, ideas, and all of creation.
Thus, our primary concern is the kind of student each child is becoming, not the mastery of particular data or technique, for we are confident that the student who masters the art of learning will attain his full potential for mastering data and technique. Students who master the art of relating well to God, self, others, ideas, and creation will attain the fullness of life for which they were created.
In order to fulfill this mission, RMCA seeks the consistent application of the pedagogical insights of the British educator, Charlotte Mason (1840-1923).
Our Vision
We intend to carry out our mission and fulfill our motto in such a way that impacts the children in our classrooms, our wider community of families, and the world, by training and equipping those interested in bringing this living education to their communities.
The RMCA classroom is a peaceful place of learning, where a love of learning is fostered by excellent “living” books and materials in an atmosphere that is free from manipulation and pride; where students are trained in habits that give them freedom to live, learn, and grow into the persons God intends them to be. Our primary concern is the kind of person each child is becoming. RMCA will equip them to be thinking, open-minded individuals of character, who are able to form healthy relationships, to mature in the art of living well and to ideally emulate the Biblical example of leadership modeled by Jesus.
The RMCA student, faculty, staff, and board community will pursue “living well,” as defined by pursuing optimal ways of relating to God, self, others, ideas, creation, work, and leisure; a growing knowledge of and love for Jesus; a humble, proactive servant love of all persons; the habits of excellent work, sweet thoughts and self-mastery; and growing in a rich intellectual life filled with inspirational ideas, great works of science, literature, history, art, music, mathematics, nature, craft, and life-long sports. Parents are invited and encouraged to join in this pursuit.
While the primary commitment of RMCA is to our children and their families, our vision extends beyond that of simply being a local school. Ambleside seeks to be a vehicle for the training and equipping of parents and teachers who seek to benefit from the insights of Charlotte Mason as they are given living expression at RMCA. To this end, Rocky Mountain Christian Academy partners with Ambleside Schools International in hosting training events, including Internships, Summer Institutes, Principals’ Conferences, and Apprenticeships.

It is the mission of the Rocky Mountain Christian Academy administration and faculty to provide a “living education,” centered on Christ, where each child is guided and empowered to author a full and free life, a life rich in relationship to God, self, others, ideas, and all of creation.
Thus, our primary concern is the kind of student each child is becoming, not the mastery of particular data or technique, for we are confident that the student who masters the art of learning will attain his full potential for mastering data and technique. Students who master the art of relating well to God, self, others, ideas, and creation will attain the fullness of life for which they were created.
In order to fulfill this mission, RMCA seeks the consistent application of the pedagogical insights of the British educator, Charlotte Mason (1840-1923).
Our Vision
We intend to carry out our mission and fulfill our motto in such a way that impacts the children in our classrooms, our wider community of families, and the world, by training and equipping those interested in bringing this living education to their communities.
The RMCA classroom is a peaceful place of learning, where a love of learning is fostered by excellent “living” books and materials in an atmosphere that is free from manipulation and pride; where students are trained in habits that give them freedom to live, learn, and grow into the persons God intends them to be. Our primary concern is the kind of person each child is becoming. RMCA will equip them to be thinking, open-minded individuals of character, who are able to form healthy relationships, to mature in the art of living well and to ideally emulate the Biblical example of leadership modeled by Jesus.
The RMCA student, faculty, staff, and board community will pursue “living well,” as defined by pursuing optimal ways of relating to God, self, others, ideas, creation, work, and leisure; a growing knowledge of and love for Jesus; a humble, proactive servant love of all persons; the habits of excellent work, sweet thoughts and self-mastery; and growing in a rich intellectual life filled with inspirational ideas, great works of science, literature, history, art, music, mathematics, nature, craft, and life-long sports. Parents are invited and encouraged to join in this pursuit.
While the primary commitment of RMCA is to our children and their families, our vision extends beyond that of simply being a local school. RMCA seeks to be a vehicle for the training and equipping of parents and teachers who seek to benefit from the insights of Charlotte Mason as they are given living expression at Ambleside. To this end, RMCA partners with Ambleside Schools International in hosting training events, including Internships, Summer Institutes, Principals’ Conferences, and Apprenticeships.